Creator No code Smart Contract: How to create ERC-721 smart contract?

Creator Platform
6 min readOct 7, 2021


While ERC-20 is used for all smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain for fungible token, ERC-721 introduces a standard for NFT (Non-fungible token), in other words, this type of Token is unique and can have different value than another Token from the same Smart Contract, possibly due to its age, rarity or even something else like its visual.

Recently, we have created a full instruction on how to create an ERC-20 smart contract. And this post will continue to guide everyone on creating ERC-271 Smart contracts on Creator’s No Code Smart Contract.

Let’s begin!

Step 1: Enter to connect to Creator making smart contract site.

Step 2. Click “Smart Contract” button to access create-smart-contract-menu

Step 3: Click on “Standard function” then choose “ERC-721” to access to create-ERC721-page then collect your wallet

And yes, at this step you need to connect your Crypto wallet!

On the upper-right corner of the screen, click the “Connect to wallet” button. Customers may now use the “MetaMask” wallet, which is one of the most secure wallets on the market.

If you successfully connect “MetaMask” with Creator, you will be able to see either your Wallet address and your balance on Creator or connected status on Metamask extensions.

Step 4: As previously said, Creator supports Rinkeby Testnet, therefore on your MetaMask Wallet network, choose “Rinkeby Test Network.” Then, for your smart contract, you need to select the suitable network which is Ethereum.

Step 5: Now is the moment to gather all of the information you’ll need to build your own ERC-721 token.

Unlike ERC-20, ERC-721 only has the “Burnale Token” option. As a result, you have the option of making your token burnable or not.

Token burning is an instrument in tokenomics to decrease the supply of the asset. With ERC-721 — as every token is different — it will be destroyed a token (collectible asset) to decrease total supply.

Step 6: Creating your token’s logo

On this step, you will upload your tokens logo. This logo is used to define your token, which other contracts and applications can identify

Other information need to fill including:

  1. Token Name: Used to define the token’s name, which other contracts and applications can identify
  2. Token Symbol: This is the symbol which you would like to identify your token. It should be simple and also signature characters which are easy to remember (example ETH, BTC, BAT, etc.).
  3. Token Description: On this information field, you will describe the asset to which this token represents for example: image, video.v.v.

After fill all necessary fields, click on “Next Step”

Step 7: After you click on Next Step, there will be a tab appear as pictured below

As we know, ERC-721 is a standard token for NFT, so on this step you will create your first NFT item on your ERC-721 smart contract!

  • Image: Here you will upload your NTF item’s appearance, it could be: PNG, GIF, WEBP, MP4 or MP3 and maximum 100mb
  • Name: you will set the name for your NFT.
  • Description: Kindly describes the asset to which this NFT represents
  • Advanced attributes: (optional) If you would like to make some Advanced attributes for your NFT token, you can click on “Show advanced attributes” and set up some attributes as below:
  • Properties: Here are the properties that show your NFT item. For example: E.g: Trait describes the degree to which a character or other entity in a role-playing game possesses a specific innate characteristic common to all characters in the game.
  • Levels: which show up underneath your item. For example: The stage or rank of a player character in a role-playing game or video game.
  • Stats: that show up underneath your item. E.g: Number describing an aspect of a game entity. A game entity might be a monster, character, weapon or spell.

Now, after set up all needed information and advanced attributes, click on “Submit” to finish this step.

Step 8: After submitting, there is a new popup appear which shows your NFT item’s information, kindly check your information before clicking on “Next Step”

Here is another new popup after clicking on Next Step which shows service fee and gas fee.

Then you click on “Confirm” to finish this step!

Here you go! you’re nearly finishing creating your ERC-721 smart contract!

Step 9: After you choose Confirm, MetaMask will provide a tab that displays the price for establishing a smart contract in detail. To make a payment, click “Confirm” after checking your bill.

Please wait a few minutes after making your payment for your token to be deployed.

Your token has now been successfully produced!

You may examine your contract on the Ethereum system by selecting “View on Explorer” from the new popup. The Ethereum token tracker allows you to check the status of your contract right here. Remember to keep a copy of your contract.

Note: On this ERC-721 smart contract, you are able to create many NTF. However, one However, each NTF item will only be sold once. On ERC-1155, one NTF item can be sold for more people. Stay tuned on our official channels to get the instruction of how to create ERC-1155 by Creator’s No Code Smart Contract.

About Creator:

Creator is a Block chain as a Service (BaaS) platform that provides No Code Smart Contract, Low Code DAPP and other services to empower the DeFi and NFT world. Creator’s chain is based on the Polkadot/Substrate which provides true interoperability, user-driven network governance and customizations that focus on DeFi, NFT and other Blockchain services.

Creator has an incredibly friendly UI and multiple enhanced background services. Hence, with or without IT/ Blockchain skills, by filling out some initial information and a few clicks, anyone can simply go live a Smart Contract.

iendly UI and multiple enhanced background services. Hence, with or without IT/ Blockchain skills, by filling out some initial information and a few clicks, anyone can simply go live a Smart Contract or DApp.

Creator’s chain is based on the Polkadot/Substrate for true interoperability, user-driven network governance and customizations that focus on Defi, NFT and other services.

Find out more about Creator on our official website and social channels

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