Decentralized Application: How Creator’s Low Code Dapp is change your business
Decentralized Application based on blockchain has proved itself able to do a lot more with the growth of over 2,000 Dapps developed. DApps quickly got all the attention and became the trend over the world.
What is a decentralized application?
Decentralized applications are digital applications or programs that exist and run on a blockchain or P2P network of computers instead of a single computer, and are outside the purview and control of a single authority.
Decentralized application explained
Dapps can run on either a Peer-to- Peer (P2P) or blockchain network. BitTorrent, Tor and Popcorn Time are examples that play roles as a part of the P2P network; where numerous participants are consuming, feeding, or seeding content, or doing both roles at the same time.
In the term of cryptocurrencies, dApps are typically open-sourced. It runs on a blockchain network in a public, decentralized environment and is free from control and interference by any single authority.
Some main features:
• Information and protocols are stored in a blockchain which is protected by cryptography.
• Decentralized Apps (DApps) are typically open-sourced.
• Tokens and cryptocurrencies are issued as a reward mechanism for the network’s users.
• There is an algorithm which predicates the overall network governance.
What is Creator’s Low Code Dapp?
Creator Low Code Dapp is the ready for production web app that includes audited smarted contracts, built-in storage, API, payment and loyalty;
(Creator Low Code Dapp: Business flow)
Creator Low-Code Dapp service will optimize efficiency by giving business users, developers, and IT what they need, when and where they need it. Liberate your organization from the burden of planning resources to serve decentralized application development and unleash the power of business innovation.
Boosting speed of decentralized application development by defining core app elements quickly and easily.
Decentralized Apps have proven that fall within a different spectrum from the traditional centralized ones. Dapp has unlocked ultimate opportunities for everyone to enter the cryptocurrency world and determine its transparency and accountability. Creator proudly becomes a part of it. Creator Low Code Dapp provides you a greater level of security that prevents any potential attack and unprecedented transparency that any transactions take place on Creator platform or any information logs are easily verifiable.
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