Learn about Creator’s No Code Smart Contract standards: ERC-20, ERC-721, ERC-1155 and ERC-777.

Creator Platform
4 min readDec 13, 2021


Creator’s mainnet is introducing by the end of December with all the smart contract standards and more intriguing functions like custom staking, farming and token management. In the meantime let us dive into the four smart contract standards that Creator will be providing to grasp the overall knowledge and take full use of the services when our product is available.

As being said, Creator provides No Code Smart Contract service which end users can customize their Smart Contract to use on his own demand with some simple configurations. Creator will deploy Smart contracts with ERC-20, ERC 721, ERC-1155 and ERC-777 tokens which are known as the most popular smart contract standards in the market now, so users can form their smart contracts more easily.


ERC-20 is one of Ethereum’s most important smart contract specifications. The ERC-20 standard has infiltrated nearly every aspect of the cryptocurrency industry. A large number of popular tokens are actually ERC-20 tokens under the hood. ERC-20 standardizes the core functionality of each token, which means that any tokens generated with this framework are interoperable with one another as well as with all ERC-20 compliant services like as MyEtherWallet and MetaMask. All users may be familiar with this by establishing Smart Contracts using ERC-20.

Creator No Code Smart Contract with ERC-20 standard has proved highly effective right in the MVP version, seeing hundreds of trials everyday. Last November, more than a thousand people joined our No Code Smart Contract Race to create their own tokens without any difficulties and successfully share the tokens to dozens of other wallets with ease.

If you have not experienced this MPV, try out HERE while waiting for the mainnet to be launched.


While ERC-20 is used for all smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain for fungible token, ERC-721 introduces a standard for NFT (Non-fungible token), in other words, this type of Token is unique and can have different value than another Token from the same Smart Contract, possibly due to its age, rarity or even something else like its visual.

ERC-721 provides functionalities like to transfer tokens from one account to another, to get the current token balance of an account, to get the owner of a specific token and also the total supply of the token available on the network. Besides these it also has some other functionalities like to approve that an amount of token from an account can be moved by a third party account.

Creator smart contract will help users keep track of their NFT on Ethereum. Check out our ERC-721 MPV HERE.


ERC-1155 is a revolutionary token standard that attempts to take the finest features of existing standards and combine them to produce a fungibility-agnostic and gas-efficient token contract. ERC-1155 is distinguished by the usage of a single smart contract to represent several tokens at the same time.

The idea is simple and seeks to create a smart contract interface that can represent and control any number of fungible and non-fungible token types. In this way, the ERC-1155 token can do the same functions as an ERC-20 and ERC-721 token, and even both at the same time.

The concept is straightforward: develop a smart contract interface that can represent and handle a wide range of fungible and non-fungible token kinds. As a result, the ERC-1155 token may perform the same functions as the ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens, and even both at once.

Try Creator testnet version of ERC-721 HERE.


This standard defines a new way to interact with a token contract while remaining backward compatible with ERC-20.

It specifies advanced token interaction features. Operators to send tokens on behalf of another address — contract or ordinary account — as well as send/receive hooks to give token holders additional control over their tokens are among the features.

This last piece of Creator Smart Contract standards will soon be introduced with the mainnet in this December, fulfilling the picture of the most important smart contracts in the market.

With Creator’s No Code Smart Contract, the end user can personalize the Smart Contract to suit his or her needs through simple configurations (such as entering fields or dragging and dropping several elements, hence the name No Code Smart Contract). By introducing this main service in the upcoming weeks, Creator Chain Network is one step closer to the target to make blockchain accessible to everyone by empowering both personal and professional lives.

Stay tuned for the official announcement of Creator Chain Network Mainnet!

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