AMA Recap: Creator and Cryptoscape community

Creator Platform
13 min readOct 2, 2021


Cryptoscape is such a huge community of many crypto enthusiasts. Creator had collaborated with them to hold a great AMA session on Sept, 29th. Our CEO Mr Tony Tran has answered many interesting questions from the audiences about our project and also brought many updates to the community. We have summarized all the main points in this recap.


Hello 👋 CRYPTOSCAPE, I am Shahid Today’s Host for the AMA session with CREATOR GLOBAL.

I thankfully Welcome the whole CRYPTOSCAPE Community members to the AMA session!!

Now, Let’s welcome our guest

@tony_ctr from CREATOR GLOBAL

Tony Tran

Hello everyone


Welcome Tony to CRYPTOSCAPE!! Feel yourself comfortable here!

Tony Tran

Nice to be here. What an amazing community! Can’t wait to start the AMA today


Okay let’s start with the basic introduction of yours!

please introduce yourself and your team to our community and tell your crypto story

Tony Tran

My name is Tony, I’m the CEO and Co-Founder of Creator Chain Network.

I have jumped in the IT industry for 15 years and worked for the new wave of technology like Blockchain, IoT, and AI for almost 10 years.

I have a huge passion for experiencing the latest technologies, so I never miss out on any technological changes, such as front-end and back-end apps, programming languages, and the current market trend of crypto and blockchain.

Our team consists of 30 blockchain experts, talented developers and skilled UI/UX designers.

Their careers have been closely tied to blockchain since the early days of the development.

All have experienced and gained in depth knowledge about blockchain through numerous projects in a variety of industries, establishing and connecting with a global vast network of the professionals in the field.

I believe with a strong team of talented and experienced experts, Creator will be a rising star in the Blockchain Sky and empower the economy.


Very nice to meet you Tony!!

Tony Tran

You are welcome Shahid!


Let me know when you have finished answering by typing “Done”. Feel free to do it :)

Tony Tran

Sure mate


Can we hop into the next question?!

Tony Tran

Yes, I can’t wait for the questions!


Also we are really keen to know more about Creator!! Let’s get deep into that!

What is Creator all about, how you got the Idea of creating it??

Tony Tran

It’s a meaningful story

Recently, blockchain technology is showing its immense potential and increasingly demonstrated capability. With the mission to make blockchain more accessible to users even without any blockchain skills as well as expand its applications to a wide range of industries, our team decided to implement the project of Creator.

Creator is a Blockchain-as-a-Service (BaaS) platform that provides No Code Smart Contract, Low Code DApp and other services to empower the DeFi and NFT world.

Creator’s blockchain features shall broaden the gate for every game studio and developers to enter the gamified NFT and Blockchain industry. Creator is outstanding for 4 main features: Smart Contract Marketplace (No Code Smart Contract), Low Code DApp, Launchpad, NFT and other DeFi services.

Recently, we have revealed our full landscape business model of Creator.

In the long run, we would like to shift the ownership of the network from us to CTR holders or a true creator who will create, govern and vote for important improvements of Creatorchain Network. It means we will become a DAO in the future. By staking CTR into the Governance Vault of Creator, you can vote on significant improvements of Creator Chain Network and earn CTR reward in the return. In addition, you would be eligible to participate in every presale on Creator Launchpad.

You can go through this article for more information:


Woah that’s great!

Tony Tran

Yeah, most of this plan will be launch within Q4 this year

Meaning they are coming very soon in 2–3 months from now

Our whole team are working hard


Hard work pays off !! Hope Q4 will be as fruitful as you are expecting and working for! Good luck Tony!

Tony Tran



When we look into a project we look who all are associated/ partnered with them !

Can you tell us about Creator current partners, plans for partnerships and what everybody stands to gain from these partnerships?

Tony Tran

The project is backed by VMO Group — Top 10 IT company in Vietnam and is a company leading in next-gen technology (Blockchain, AI/IOT/ML).

Creator establishes strategic partnerships and receives giant support from Master Ventures, Magnus Capital, Kardia Ventures, Exnetwork Capital, X21, Oddiyana Ventures, DarkPool Liquidity, and a few angel investors.

Lately, Creator has formed new partnerships with A&I and PLUTUSVC. These collaborations promise to strengthen our project and bring Creator one step closer to the global NFT market! 🔥

Our partners bring us not only capital investments but also visionary ideas and exceptional talents which contribute to the success of overall strategy and business development as well as help us find other partners and expand our ecosystem.



That’s lot of them :)

Since everyone is cautious about the safety and security of the investments and activities in a platform, especially in crypto field,

How you assure the security and safety of your product and can you elaborate how are your ecosystem driven?

Tony Tran

Well, security is the most concerning issue in the operation of a blockchain system.

Creator is well-known for our strong talented team of technical experts.

We are confident that we have created the best security solutions that would cover all attacks or loopholes might arise in the system, which has largely earned the public trust.

In addition, any new features or products will be tested and audited thoroughly by reputable third parties in cybersecurity like Certik before releasing to the public.

As mentioned above, in the future Creator will become a DAO with 4 main central services: Smart Contract Marketplace (No Code Smart Contract), Low Code DApp, Launchpad, NFT and other DeFi services. Please refer our full business model for more details:



Moving on to the last question of this segment!

Share in your Tokenomics and mention about locking of liquidity and locking of team tokens.

Tony Tran

Let me share with you guys our token allocation as a beginning. Our token is symbolized as CTR and has 150,000,000 of total supply and has been allocated as the picture shows.

Regarding our unlocking token plan, you can refer the Token Sale Release Schedule as following:



That’s wrapping up the introductory segment!

Can we move on to the Twitter segment without further delay?!

Tony Tran

I’m happy to move to the next part! Let’s go


Okay let’s move on to the Twitter segment of this AMA session. In this segment you have to answer the best 5 questions selected from 100s of questions posted on our twitter post!

Here comes the first one in the line!

I Noticed that your project will be launching a testnet event in Q3 this year. Can you explain in details how we can contribute to this testnet event and What are the requirements to participate? @PKragak

Tony Tran

Currently we have finished our testnet and we are going to release a new add-on on our platform which is Staking at the end of the Q4.

User can try our test net at:

for the feature, we just finished the beta version.

You can try out at: for no code smart contract feature

But please notice that this is the testing version and not finished yet.

I hope this is clarified to you.


Moving on to the next question

CREATOR is joined with kyberDMM for the liquidity mining programme. You that this liquidity is for increasing the token price. So I want to ask you that, Why don’t you prefer token burning for increasing the token value? And, why did you choose kyberDMM for providing liquidity? @lidiamga

Tony Tran

At the moment, we do not have any plan to burn our token. That’s not the way to increase the value of tokens. It’s an unsustainable way to keep our holders with us.

We’d rather develop and upgrade our products and create an ecosystem to build a sustainable environment for all users and our partners.

We definitely choose KyberDMM for some particular reasons.

This platform maximizes the use of capital by enabling extremely high capital efficiency and reacting to market conditions to optimise returns for liquidity providers.

Unlike the static nature of typical AMMs and other liquidity platforms in the space, the KyberDMM protocol is designed to react to token pairs and market conditions to optimise fees for liquidity providers and rates for takers.

KyberDMM allows fully permissionless liquidity contribution from anyone and access to this liquidity by any taker (e.g. Dapp, aggregators, end users).

The pool is now open with $120,000 in CTR and KNC tokens liquidity mining rewards on BSC network and soon ETH network will also be available.

Don’t hesitate, let’s farming now guyss:



Here comes the next question,

I read that creator has established a partnership with #ufarm a cross-chain protocol for people to offer a decentralized cloud and implement full-stack applications, $DApp and blockchain nodes. What are the benefits you expect to gain from this partnership @sameerm97269254

Tony Tran

Yield Farming has become the latest trend among crypto enthusiasts. It is also attracting many new users to Defi World.

By cooperating with Unifarm Creator desire to help users expose to a multitude of different tokens while providing competitive APYs. With better liquidity and high profit offered, Creartor expects a larger holder volume contributing to a strong, sustainable network

Besides, Unfarm is developed by Oropocket- a universal investment platform on blockchain, which promises a more comprehensive extended partnership.

Go farming now guys!!! An APY of 250% is waiting for you 👉

Here is a quick tutorial on how to stake Creator on UniFarm on BSC:

Let’s get ready for dual farm of $CTR and $UFARM on ETH Network which will be available at 1:30 PM UTC today



Good APY💯

Tony Tran



Great going Tony. Here comes the next question for you!

Creator’s top feature is the “No Code Smart Contract, Low Code DAPP” which allows users to simply create a working DApp without the hassle of coding several lines and integrating to different blockchains. Given the “No Code” feature, I would assume that it is like a “drop and drag”. Can your users customize the built-in features inside Creator?‌‌ @shadyaboabdo

Tony Tran

It’s nice to say this model: Our No Code Smart Contract would provide users the most convenience to create their own smart contracts at ease with just a few clicks, yet we also allow clients to customize some particular features as they wish to bring the highest value to the business.

For example, users can generate staking smart contracts and set the locked time and APR as they expect.



Absolutely brilliant!!

So here comes the last and final question of this segment!

How do you think Creator chain, being an “NFT of things” platform, can help to improve the ever-growing NFT industry? @kiyokosumaru

Tony Tran

In the future, Creator will become a DAO with NFT being one of the main services.

In which, NFT Marketplace Smart Contract will allow art galleries or NFT game projects to build their own NFT marketplace.

They don’t need to build everything from scratch, just do some simple configurations with our NFT Marketplace Smart Contract, then they can go live immediately. In the meantime, we will be incubating many NFT projects to be launched on Creator LaunchPad.

By supporting the NFT world fully and comprehensively, Creator will definitely become a pioneer of the new rising waves in the NFT industry.



NFT is really a hot subject in these days! Hope creator can do something unique in the NFT world too!

By this we have put an end to the Twitter segment! Now let’s step into the most awaited Live Q&A of this session!

Tony Tran

Sure things!


Charged up Enough to tackle the questions of the community?! @tony_ctr

Tony Tran

I’m full of energy to have all questions !!!


Meanwhile I take this opportunity to remind all of you to join the CREATOR GLOBAL community in order to get reward for the AMA and latest updates on the project!!

Let me post the rules for the Live Session!

In this Session, we will unmute the chat for 60 seconds so everyone can send their Questions to participate in the AMA.


🔴 Each participant is allowed to send 3 Different Questions.

🔴 But each message should contain 1 or 2 questions maximum.

🔴 You are not allowed to copy other’s participant question otherwise you will not receive the reward even you won.

🔴 Copied question from other AMAs or other Groups will be disqualified

So Cryptoscape community are you ready to shoot ?!

Chat unmuting in






(Audiences sending questions in 60s)


Chat muted!!

Times up guys!!

Thank you Cryptoscape for this overwhelming response :)

@tony_ctr now it’s your turn to choose the best 5 questions and address them!

Take as much time you want to go through!!

Tony Tran

Many thanks for giving Creator nice questions. Please give me few mins to go thru those


Of course take your time !

Tony Tran

Let me go to this 1st question!.

Tell us a little bit about security? Have you done an audit of the platform? Are the smart contracts error-free? What are the test results? @caucongvn

We have passed a comprehensive inspection to uncover problems and vulnerabilities in the source code conducted by leading auditing firm CertiK, with impressive results.

Creator and smart contracts are claimed to have reached absolute security.

You can see audit report here:

2nd question is from @myminecraftnow

“What is total supply of your project? Where we can buy it? Are your plans to focus on market or to grow community?”

The total supply is 150,000,000 CTR.

Now you can buy CTR token on 5 platforms:





Well, to me the most important factor contributing to the success of our project is holders. So we will consider all aspects related to the market and community to maximize the benefits of our holders.

3rd question! Interesting one.

My question is about your long term marketing plans. How, or through which big partnerships do you plan on utilising to pass your product onto the normal — especially non-crypto people? @Hulkal9999

The most important thing to bring non-crypto users closer to Creator is to raise their awareness about the project. We have successfully launched an Ambassador program to build a team of dedicated members, addressed to as Creator United, who share our vision and wish to pave a way to our success.

Additionally, we also have events along the way, such as learn & earn, airdrop or even AMAs like this to provide more information about our project and the field so that non-crypto people would be attracted and ready to engage in this new industry.

Advances in the technical system are closely related to increasing values of the token. We have been recruiting the top experts in blockchain to ensure enough professionals get involved in building each fundamental component of the ecosystem.

Therefore, utilities of CTR are steadily increasing with many built in services and benefits for the holders, resulting in the improvement in value of the token in the long term.


Congrats 🎉@Hulkal9999

Tony Tran

The next question!

Do you have user manual or short videos that would guide potential users of project to safely navigate your platform? @monroe1991

Recently, we have revealed one video which shows you guys how to create a smart contract in a few clicks. Take a tour on this youtube link to experience this amazing thing.

You guys will see how easy to create a SC contract by yourself


Congrats 👏🎈 @monroe1991

Tony Tran

5th and last question for the AMA today!

Congrats to Jannobi!

Does your great project support staking program? If yes. how is your stake process work, what is the requirement for user if they want to stake in your platform? @ahare06

Well, staking is involved in many parts of the ecosystem as you can see in our business model.

In Smart Contract Marketplace, we offer two kinds of staking pools as variable APR or compounding. Creator team also sets aside an allocation of CTR as extra staking rewards for clients and vice versa.

In Governance Vault, there are 03 staking options for you:

No lock-up pool: you can stake and unstake any moment you want. This pool allows you to earn a fixed APR as 3–5% of the initial fund you stake.

90-day locked pool: Once staking starts, you can only unstake after 90 days. This pool allows you to earn a fixed APR of 14%.

180-day locked pool: Similar to 90-day locked pool. Once staking starts, you can only unstake after 180 days. However, this option would bring you the highest yield of 28%.

All staking rewards would be emitted by blocks and you can claim them right away.

Thanks @Shahidmohd13

I have done 5 questions!


Great Tony, you rock!

Anything to add up or any last words before we conclude the session?!

Tony Tran

I would like to say thank you for the overwhelming welcome and all the attention from CryptoScape community! It was great talking to you guys today!

Don’t forget to follow our official channels for latest updates:



Telegram chat:

Telegram ANN:




Hope to see you guys again in the next AMAs of Creator as well as others upcoming events.


It was really our honour to host you and introduce Creator platform to our community!

I definitely take this opportunity to appreciate your effort and time you have spend for this!

Thank you @tony_ctr ❤️

Do not forget to join the creator telegram community for the latest updates and news!

By this AMA with creator has concluded!

Chat unmuting!

